Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Kildeer

Every year Mrs. Kildeer lays her eggs in our yard. She used to nest right behind the swingset on a rocky patch of ground - but we've had some fill dirt hauled in to get rid of the rocky patches - so she's about 20 feet over to the left in the edge of the grass. It amazes me that they come back to exactly the same spot year after year. We put up some stakes so that everyone will stay away from her nest. She has 4 eggs - the typical amount for Kildeers. They take 26 days to hatch after the last one is laid.

Mr. Kildeer is always close by and sometimes he sits on the eggs too.


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    OH, you are so lucky! I love Kildeers and living in CA, we had ample places to visit them. Here in OR, not so much, although there was a small wetlands area by the hotel we lived in when we first got here and they flew overhead crying all night.

    The babies are so cute with their big feet!

  2. Looks like someone put up a fence around the nest. Looking forward to pictures of the little ones. E
