Monday, June 09, 2008

A New Trumpet Player in the family

Y'all know the Man-Cub goes to Middle School in the fall and has the opportunity to participate in band. Guess which instrument he chose - Robert would be proud. The Man did a lot of research on trumpets and decided that the Conn Trumpets made before 1964 were the best ones out there. So he searched online and found a musical instrument dealer with a perfect 1961 model - no dents or scratches and it's case is intact too. I'll post some closeups later - the case doesn't even 'smell' old - if you know what I mean...

He's had one lesson with his instructor so far - he gives private lessons over the summer - much better than our old 'Summer Band'. The Man-Cub is doing really well - he can already play 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' and the 'Song of the Fjords' - as well and the first scale - C Major. He keeps trying and he likes to practice a lot - Jack doesn't like it 'though...


  1. Ha, I'll bet Jack doesn't like it. Maybe we can get a duet this summer. E

  2. Neat! Learning an instrument as a kid is a great advantage!

  3. this is fantastic! i suspect that between robert, frank, eddie, the man-cub and his momma, we could have some great horn playing!

    rob has a couple of extra horns in case someone doesn't have one anymore....

    and yes, the old horns are terrific - we did the same originally for rob - the music dealer in downtown raleigh (Marsh Woodwinds - they've been around a long time, frank probably knows them) suggested a 1960 "Olds". told us the new - "Olds" are not comparable... rob loves that horn still - even though all the finish is worn off -

    get some earplugs for the doggie!! love, k

  4. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Hey, definitely the best instrument. A word to the wise about playing trumpet... the best thing you can possibly do is play what are called long tones. They are what they sound like, he knows the C major scale right?(instrument pitch or concert?) so start on the first note and play a couple of whole notes tied together. Then count two measures of rest. then play the next note the same way. Go through the whole scale then rest for 10 minutes. After you've done that a couple of times (I know, its boring) start playing each note for three measures at a time and resting three measures at a time. Do this every other day, and after a month, I bet you can practice for an hour solid without getting extremely tired. Also, can you give me some more info on what kind of Conn it is? I know something about them and I've played a few, so i can affirm how nice it is. I'm sure anything made in the early 60's is a wonderful beginner horn, but you might have something he could potentially play into college like the Olds I have. I still use it in Jazz band. Good luck and PRACTICE EVERY DAY!!!

  5. Thanks for all the advice Rob - the Man-Cub had his second lesson wtih his instructor today and he loves it. The instructor plays along with him and if the Man-Cub misses a note or it sounds too fuzzy - the instructor just holds his note until the Man-Cub fixes his - it's really good one on one practice for him. I'll get the trumpet info from the Man and send it to you.


